This is a short summary of the steps I took when creating the book cover for the author Stephen Grant. Originally Stephen asked for a burgundy background, however it later turned out that a near-black background would stand out instead. I then concentrated on the phoenix itself, by far one of the most challenging things I've done on Photoshop, I managed to get the pose I wanted as well as the level of detail. Although many people; including the author himself, said they were happy with the design, I still think that there could have been more done to it to make it even better.

These images are from the 'Sequential Illustration' unit of my course. These are a collection of simple sketches relating to character development as well as sequence.

These are from one of my first year units at university. The theme was to choose your favourite animal, and expand from there, using different methods of research. My idea grew from one of our workshop activities, where we had to design our animals with mechanical parts, I however drew a penguin plane in the style of the old Haynes manuals. My tutors supported the idea, and I eventually expanded it into a story where penguins are intelligent, and use vehicles. 

These images are old concepts I created roughly two years ago in college. Although they had no relation to any of my academic work at the time, drawing these images, especially at an A2 scale, allowed me to redefine drawing elements such as shading, detail and scale with ease.